Bloomberg v Booker

New Yorkers are always a hard bunch to please, but after this week’s freak blizzard (can we stop calling them freak blizzards now that they happen on the regular?) has landed New York City (and 2012 flirt) Mayor Michael Bloomberg (D/R/Ind/2012) in hot water. Almost a week after the storm, many New York City streets remain unplowed, snow clearing crews are sparse, and entire neighborhoods are still snowed-in. Bloomberg is under fire from all sides for the slushy cleanup.

Jump the Hudson River for an entirely separate story: Cory Booker (D) Mayor of Newark, and likely 2013 candidate for Governor has been personally clearing his own resident’s driveways, streets and sidewalks while coordinating emergency care all from his cell phone via Twitter. He’s been all over the press for his literally up-to-the-minute responses to stranded residents, and become a national Twitter sensation among social media addicts. Shovel in hand, Booker is making Bloomberg’s modest cleanup look like an unorganized mess.

Whether it’s 2012 for Mayor Bloomberg or 2013 in New Jersey for Mayor Booker, we’ll be hearing about this snowstorm long after it melts away.

PS: Wondering just how bad a snow cleanup can get? Take a look at New York’s wonderful snow-clearing property-destroying abilities:

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