Saturday Night Card Game (It’s Just Chocolate Frosting, You Idiots)

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:

I admit it, the title of this post is somewhat intemperate.  But I can’t take it anymore.

Nothing is safe from the insanity that is the race card in modern America.  Not even the chocolate frosting on our cupcakes, or the creative mind.

Duncan Hines had a good idea.  Come out with a line of cupcake “glazings” and hire a well known animation studio to create a catchy set of commercials:

To inspire creativity during the height of baking season, Duncan Hines partnered with Filmaka to tap four professional filmmakers for their one-of-a-kind vision. Each director offers their own interpretation of the passion, creativity and fun behind baking that the Amazing Glazes toppings inspire. The first video in the series, called “Hip Hop Cupcakes,” launched today at

Created by Josh Binder, a Chicago-based director, “Hip Hop Cupcakes” portrays how Amazing Glazes make any delicious dessert “sing.” Binder’s inspiration for the video was bringing to life the joy of baking. “I wanted to create an entertaining and engaging way to show bakers that this glaze makes everything you top taste better and more exciting.”

And the commercial they created was great, featuring singing chocolate frosting on top of cupcakes:

It definitely made me hungry, laugh a little, and even contemplate buying the product.

The problem?

The commercial supposedly was “racist” because the singing was done by chocolate frosting which supposedly resembled singers in blackface:

“The racial component can’t be overlooked. It doesn’t matter that they’re cupcakes; the fact that they start rapping isn’t too far a stretch from making them in blackface. If the icing was in different flavors, or the lips weren’t so big and pink maybe we could give the ad a pass, but as it stands it’s a pretty poorly constructed and potentially racist ad I’m the last person to be overly sensitive to media images, but the frothy mix of chocolate skinned cupcakes, bad Hip-Hop and a long media history of depicting stereotypical black people to sell food give me reason to question the intent if not the effect of this.”

These cupcake commercial makers obviously were not sufficiently sensitive to the hyperactive imaginations of the race card players:

“Those “Hip Hop Cupcakes” just make me sad…Clearly there are no minorities in the board room where they work on advertising at Duncan Hines.

The director of the ad is Josh Binder who as you might of guessed, is white.

Surely somewhere in his film school education he was taught about the history of minstrelsy and blackface in America?”

Not recognizing the irony, the “Annals of Absurdity Blog” at The Village Voice chimed in:

“Taking a lesson from the “Drunken Negro Face” school of publicity, the folks at Duncan Hines have made cupcakes more offensive than Magnolia Bakery could ever hope to, thanks to their Amazing Glazes campaign.”

Inquiring minds are asking:

“Did no one honestly see this cupcake controversy coming at Duncan Hines?”

Well, why should they have seen this coming when there is nothing wrong with the commercials?  It’s just chocolate frosting, you idiots.

Predictably, Duncan Hines pulled the ad because of the controversy, with this explanation:

“Our intent was to entertain fans with a fun video about chocolate glazed cupcakes, and nothing more.”

In this day and age, the California Raisins never would have stood a chance:

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Tags: race card, Saturday Night Card Game