Today would have been Bill Buckley’s 85th birthday. Though I was born after the ages of Reagan, Goldwater, and Buckley’s years as editor of NR, I still owe a great debt to his thought:
Reading lists and speakers from YAF have helped shape my perspective by exposing me to the nuances of conservative political thought.
I don’t think anyone else has done as much for political activism and the conservative/libertarian movement as WFB. What do you remember most fondly about Buckley?
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Though I was born after the ages of Reagan…
Just how young are you?
His clever wit. My favorite:
"I won't insult your intelligence by suggesting that you really believe what you just said."
20, I've only lived through Bushes, Clintons, and Obamas :-(.
I was born in '62, so all I remember of WFB is him on Firing Line – his voice and New England WASP accent.
My Dad used to watch his show; I never understood why, until I had my conservative "awakening" in 2007/2008 watching the debacle that was the "anointing" and "immaculation" of Obama.
I am thankful for the enlightening! I should now read the book you note, God and Man at Yale. I am sure it will be riveting, now! 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving, Professor!
"Now listen, you queer. Stop calling me a crypto Nazi or I'll sock you in your goddamn face and you'll stay plastered."
WFB to Gore Vidal, 1968 debate
Pasadenaphil, I love that one too–it's one of two quotes on my FB info page, just to make sure all my liberal friends know which way the wind's blowing. (My other quote is by H.L. Mencken: "The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule it."
1. The Hoover Institution has many transcripts of Firing Line available; some some the programs are available for purchase at Amazon.
2. 20, I've only lived through Bushes, Clintons, and Obamas :-(.
For your sake and mine, I hope your future decades are no more "interesting" than the first two, but I wouldn't put money on it.
Buckley was a talented harpsichord player, and loved Bach's music.
Always answered his mail. I have 6-8 replys from him about everything including 'Peanut Butter'.Favorite qoute "Cancel your own god dame subscription".