The Gulf of Paducah Incident

Prior to the Kentucky Senate debate in Paducah last night, a woman with a history of politically-inspired vandalism who was dressed in disguise approached Rand Paul to present him with a “award,” and was pulled to the ground by Paul supporters, one of whom needlessly pushed her back to the ground momentarily with his foot. 

The police can and should review the videos to see if a crime was committed, and fortunately the woman was not seriously injured (unlike a Paul supporter who was injured by Jack Conway supporters in an unrelated incident).  The Paul campaign immediately criticized the violence on both sides.

Yet the left-wing blogosphere is engaged in hyperbole by asserting that the woman was “brutally attacked” by “Brownshirts” and extrapolating the incident into a wider indictment of (take your pick) Rand Paul’s campaign and/or the Tea Party movement. 

As I have documented dozens of times before, the left-blogosphere has concocted allegations against Tea Party members for much of the past year in an effort to paint opponents of Democrats as extremist and violent.  Really for the first time, they have an incident they can blow out of proportion for political purposes.

Unfortunately, people being pushed to the ground while approaching a candidate is not new.  Just ask John McCormack who was thrown to the ground by a Martha Coakley campaign staffer last January when McCormack would not stop asking questions (image right).

Indeed, the mainstream media has refused even to report about how Congressman Maurice Hinchey recently assaulted a reporter who was asking questions about Hinchey’s possible conflicts of interest.

There is tension in the air.  People need to step back, on both sides, and not try to take an isolated incident to create a greater political pretext.

Update:  Soccer Dad reminds me of the attack on a Bobby Jindal supporter, and of course, there was the Kenneth Gladney incident.

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