The Crisis Later This Week

As of now, Iranian President Mahmood Ahmadinejad is scheduled to arrive in Lebanon on October 13, and to conduct a joint appearance with Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on October 14.

The situation is very tense and provocative.

Ahmadinejad will go to South Lebanon as far south as the border with the Israeli town of Metula during the trip, and reportedly will approach the border fence with hundreds of civilians to throw rocks at Israeli soldiers.

This visit comes on the eve of a predicted Hezbollah takeover of Beirut if, as exptected, of an international tribunal indicts Hezbollah members in the death of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

Meanwhile, a previously unknown Sunni group has threatened to disrupt the visit. 

The U.S. Embassy has issued a travel warning for Americans in Lebanon.

Should be an eventful week.

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Tags: Iran, Israel, Middle East, Terrorism