My Top 10

These are the final candidates to whom I am contributing:

  1. John Raese (Senate, West Virginia)(open seat, formerly Robert Byrd)
  2. Dino Rossi (Senate, Washington)(v. Patty Murray, incumbent)
  3. Todd Young (IN-9)(v. Baron Hill, incumbent)
  4. Van Tran (CA-17)(v. Loretta Sanchez, incumbent)
  5. Allen West (FL-22)(v. Ron Klein, incumbent)
  6. Jeff Perry (MA-10)(open seat, formerly Bill Delahunt)

Plus, past contributions:

  1. George Phillips (NY-22)(v. Maurice Hinchey, incumbent)
  2. Richard Hanna (NY-24)(v. Michael Arcuri, incumbent)
  3. John Loughlin (RI-1)(open seat, formerly Patrick Kennedy)
  4. Sean Beilat (MA-4)(v. Barney Frank, incumbent)

These all are for seats currently or previously held by Democrats, in which a donation could make a difference because the campaigns (for the most part) have not become nationalized as far as fundraising.  Most of the races are rated as toss-ups by Real Clear Politics, although some (e.g., Beilat, Phillips) are potential upsets of hard-core left-wingers.

If there is someone who fits this profile you think readers should know about, please post to comments.

I realize money is tight, but you don’t want to wake up on November 3 feeling you could have done more.  There is too much at stake.

Update:  Good point made by a reader.  These are my Top 10 for donations, not necessarily the ten most important races.  Certainly, Sharron Angle defeating Harry Reid is at or near the top in importance, but money has been pouring in to Angle, so it is a lower donation priority for me.

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