Jon Ralston: Angle Ad “Offensive, Disgusting and Lowbrow”

I posted yesterday about Jon Ralston, the high-profile Nevada political reporter and talk show host, and an exchange I had with him regarding whether he was accusing Sharron Angle of “race-baiting” over a television ad Angle ran on illegal immigration. 

When I pointed out that Ralston appeared to be making such an accusation against Angle, Ralston reacted with a fury, calling me a “shill” and “dishonest jerk” and a “disgrace to [Ralston’s] alma mater [Cornell].”

I’m really not sure why Ralston reacted this way since it seemed pretty obvious that he was accusing Angle of race-baiting.  For whatever his reason, Ralston denied it and preferred to call me names.

I’ve learned, through a comment to my prior post, that Ralston also had a run-in with another blogger who also is a reader here.  That blogger posted an e-mail Ralston sent to her, as follows (emphasis mine):

“Won’t respond to you any more on twitter so your minuscule number of followers will have to do without. You have no idea what you are talking about; you are a dishonest partisan, too. I did not equate Angle with helms; Slate did. I link to a lof[sic] of different pieces. By the way, though, tell you friend the dishonest law prof I have decided it is race-baiting. Offensive, disgusting and lowbrow. I’m sure you can relate. Oh, by the way, you had his Twitter handle wrong. I fixed it for you. Good catch on spelling error, though. Bye bye..”


I don’t care if Ralston is making the charge of “race-baiting” against Angle, other than to the extent he needs to own up to it.  Apparently now he has.

Related Posts:
“You Are A Disgrace To My Alma Mater”
Predictable “Racially-Tinged” Charge Leveled Against Sharron Angle
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Tags: 2010 Election, Blogging, Harry Reid, Media Bias, Sharron Angle