I’m Doubling Down On My Top 10

On October 20, I published my Top 10 List for donations (not necessarily the 10 most important races), based on the following criteria:  Must be current Democratic seat; must be toss-up or possibility of an upset of a big name Democrat; and must not be nationalized so that fundraising could help more than in some other races. 

I also focused disproportionately on the House, since we must win the House above all else.  Winning the Senate is a long-shot under any scenario  Also, donations to House candidates can have more of an impact.

On October 20, I said that my donations on that date would be my final donations.  I was wrong.

I’m motivated by the truly disgusting Democratic Party tactics, about which I’ve posted here before.  The Democrats cannot and will not defend their ideas. Howard Kurtz, formerly of WaPo and now The Daily Beast, sums it up pretty well:

The closing weeks of a campaign are always dirty. But Democrats, trying to fend off a GOP tidal wave, are resorting to highly personal attacks.

Despite the trolling by the media to demoralize us, and the tawdry Democratic Party tactics, I have an increasing sense that these seats are all in play.

By way of example, John Loughlin in RI-01 (my home district) just came out with a poll showing a dead heat, and his opponent Providence Mayor David Cicilline is on the defensive (see NRO’s John Loughlin Will Win the Kennedy People’s Seat in RI-1 and The Washington Examiner’s Miracle in RI-1?).

Richard Hanna just picked up the endorsement of the largest newspaper in his District in upstate NY, and Sean Beilat is on fire with his Barney Shuffle video.  Dino Rossi and John Raese each are within striking distance, if not slightly ahead.  George Phillips has picked up endorsements by Ed Koch and Maurice Hinchey was hit hard by his assault and battery on a local reporter (Hinchey finally has taken to the airwaves attacking Phillips, a good sign).  The Democrats are desperate in their attacks on Allen West, with the pathetic Debbie Wasserman-Shultz screaming on the streets outside his office.

All in all, we need to deliver the political coup de grâce, and we can do it.

So my final donations were not my final donations.  I’m doubling down for everyone on this list.  I hope you can join me, if not for all 10, at least for one or two of them:

My Top 10

(Not in any particular order)

  1. John Raese (Senate, West Virginia)(open seat, formerly Robert Byrd)
  2. Dino Rossi (Senate, Washington)(v. Patty Murray, incumbent)
  3. Todd Young (IN-9)(v. Baron Hill, incumbent)
  4. Van Tran (CA-17)(v. Loretta Sanchez, incumbent)
  5. Allen West (FL-22)(v. Ron Klein, incumbent)
  6. Jeff Perry (MA-10)(open seat, formerly Bill Delahunt)
  7. George Phillips (NY-22)(v. Maurice Hinchey, incumbent)
  8. Richard Hanna (NY-24)(v. Michael Arcuri, incumbent)
  9. John Loughlin (RI-1)(open seat, formerly Patrick Kennedy)
  10. Sean Beilat (MA-4)(v. Barney Frank, incumbent)

(By the way, I’m also donating to Sharron Angle, Joe Miller and Christine O’Donnell, although they aren’t my “Top 10”).

Update: Obama Tries To Stop The “Miracle in RI-01”
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Tags: 2010 Election, Barney Frank, Rhode Island