Demonizer-In-Chief Upset People Demonize Him

Obama’s line, in his Labor Day speech in Milwaukee before union leaders and a union crowd, that “[t]hey talk about me like a dog,” is getting all the attention.

But you really need to read the entire speech.  It is classic Obama, living in a time warp, declaring that unions are the past and the future of prosperity, and focusing on large infrastructure programs as if this were the 1930s. 

The entrepreneurs and workers who built the great technology companies that drive our economy are nowhere to be found.  It is the proletariat of the old economy who live in Obama’s imagination.

But what was most Obama-like about the speech was the launching of vicious attacks on his opponents, only to then cry foul over the fact that his opponents push back. Obama, as he did throughout the campaign and has done throughout his presidency, painted a picture of his political opponents as heartless victimizers of others, and of the capitalist system as cruel and inhumane.

Obama also was in full mock mode.  Here are some excerpts:

This truly is another of those windows into his divisive soul.  The Demonizer-in-Chief and the class warfare expert doesn’t like being treated the way he treats others.

Too bad.

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Tags: Obama campaign, Obamanomics, Stimulus Plan, Unions