It has been a while since I’ve posted about the saddest joke in the Democratic Party (and that’s saying a lot), the class clown who said Republicans want patients to die and who called a senior female aide to Ben Bernanke a whore.
As I pointed out in those prior posts, Grayson is a Democratic Party hero. And he still is, because he is running a television advertisement repeatedly quoting his campaign opponent, Dan Webster, saying that wives should submit to their husbands, quoting one line from the Bible.
The problem is, in reality the Republican was saying just the opposite, that people should use other verses from the Bible not that one. Comparison videos are here. puts it this way:
We thought Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson of Florida reached a low point when he falsely accused his opponent of being a draft dodger during the Vietnam War, and of not loving his country. But now Grayson has lowered the bar even further. He’s using edited video to make his rival appear to be saying the opposite of what he really said.
In a new ad, Grayson accuses his Republican opponent Daniel Webster of being a religious fanatic and dubs him “Taliban Dan.” But to make his case, Grayson manipulates a video clip to make it appear Webster was commanding wives to submit to their husbands, quoting a passage in the Bible. Four times, the ad shows Webster saying wives should submit to their husbands. In fact, Webster was cautioning husbands to avoid taking that passage as their own. The unedited quote is: “Don’t pick the ones [Bible verses] that say, ‘She should submit to me.’”
As reported by the Orlando Sentinel:
The Grayson campaign edited the original video, chopping it up and taking Webster’s words out of context. Webster actually was advising husbands to bypass those particular Bible passages, according a longer video clip released Monday by Webster’s campaign.
It would be the equivalent of someone giving a speech saying “do not kill your neighbor” and then having someone cut it up and run only the words “kill your neighbor.”
Remember, Alan Grayson is a rock star in Democratic Party circles, particularly among “progressives.” Welcome to your modern Democratic Party.
Update: Uh oh. Grayson has managed to rile the normally tranquil TaxProf, The Most Despicable Political Ad. Ever.
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