They Lied Us Into The War On Happy Birthday

You can’t make this stuff up.

I posted earlier about a school which banned the singing of Happy Birthday out of fear of, well, it’s a little hard to articulate the irrational.

But that’s not the real story, according to Peter Daou, who uses the following diagram to explain how the extreme right wing moves the national discussion on almost any topic to the right:

What does this have to do with the Happy Birthday story?  According to Daou, the real story is that the extreme right wing is using the Happy Birthday story to, well, it’s a little hard to articulate the irrational:

So when we see seemingly inane local controversies brewing, we should keep in mind that these can quickly become national conflagrations if the right determines it’s a way to manipulate the public discourse.

In that regard, the “war on Christmas” has been raging for years and now it seems the war on Happy Birthday has begun….

Yes, the right is manipulating the national discourse by pointing to the absurdity of an elementary school banning the singing of Happy Birthday.

I see. 

Can “they lied us into the War on Happy Birthday” be far behind?

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Tags: Education, Nutroots