The Democrats have a new hero, now that Alan Grayson is so yesterday:
Update 8:30 p.m.: Sorry I couldn’t update this sooner, but I’ve been in the car almost all afternoon. The good news is that while in the car I heard Weiner and Peter King on Hannity’s radio show debating the legislation (concerning additional funds for 9/11 responders) which gave rise to Weiner’s rant. The short story is that the rant was all for show; the Democrats have the votes to pass the bill (255 total) but have decided to use a special procedure that would shut out any amendments but requires 290 votes, which they don’t have.
Allahpundit explains the background and why the Democrats did not want any amendments offered.
Weiner is a pathetic joke. He and the Democrats deliberately are not passing legislation so that they can run commercials in the fall about how the bad Republicans would not vote to help 9/11 responders.
Here is an earlier video explaining Weiner’s stunt:
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