Thank You, Oh Sticky Ones

TaxProf blog has posted the latest law professor blog rankings, and I’m heartened to see that I have moved up to No. 7 in visitors and No. 8 in page views (on a trailing 12 month basis).

But traffic statistics are just one measurement, and can be highly dependent — as I am — upon the kindness of others who link.

In many ways, an equally important measurement is “stickiness,” or how long people stay on the site once they visit.  Having a lot of readers who simply click through from another link and then leave quickly doesn’t speak well to a blog which is focused on content (as opposed to an aggregator of links).

So TaxProf also has published the list of Stickiest Law Prof Blogs, and on that list I come in at No. 4, with visitors spending an average of 2.63 minutes here.

 In internet time, 2.63 minutes is like forever.

So thanks, Oh Sticky Ones for hanging around and reading.

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