So We’re Buying A Sidewalk To Heaven

Thanks to a reader from Rhode Island for sending photos of another multi-million dollar sidewalk project in our humble unit-of-measurement state.

You will recall my now-classic post about the miles of sidewalks leading from Warren, Rhode Island, to the Massachusetts state line, Miles of Sidewalks, and Empty Stores.

I have not observed this new project with my own eyes, because that would have required about a 25 minute drive, which no real Rhode Islander would do without a truly compelling reason.

But the reader describes the project as running on “Walnut Hill in Woonsocket, at various points on Diamond Hill Road between Bound Road and Social Street.”  It is hard to tell the precise cost of the sidewalks, but it appears to be part of a $4.4 million stimulus grant (at page 4 in this link).

Welcome to Rhode Island.  Crushing deficits, pension obligations, and high taxes are killing the state.

So we’re buying a sidewalk to heaven.

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Tags: Rhode Island, Stimulus Plan