Let’s Play “Pin the Label On Megyn Kelly”

I haven’t posted previously on the New Black Panther group voter intimidation controversy. There have been plenty of other things to cover.

The issue is significant not so much because two guys stood in front of a polling station with night sticks — that would be bad enough. As with many things, the issue is not just the crime, but the cover-up.

There has been credible testimony by a DOJ whistleblower, supported by others, that the DOJ has instituted a policy — whether official or not — of not pursuing cases of voter intimidation where the alleged victims were white and the alleged perpetrators were black. I don’t know if these allegations are accurate, but given that insiders or former insiders at DOJ are making the accusations, they should be taken seriously.

The mainstream media, as usual, is ignoring a story which has the potential to damage the Obama administration.

Into the void has stepped the blogosphere, and Fox News. Megyn Kelly, a rising star, has been all over the story.

One thing that has caught my eye is the budding movement to try to paint Kelly as implicitly racist for covering the story in detail.

I’m not sure if it started there, but it first came to my attention when Dave Weigel posted at The Daily Dish about Megyn Kelly’s Minstrel Show. Weigel all but calls Kelly racist, suggesting that Kelly doesn’t really care about the newsworthiness of the story: “Kelly’s obsession with the current NBPP controversy is something else, though.”

Now — or perhaps predating Weigel — Media Matters has picked up the cudgel, counting 95 times (!!!!) Fox News has mentioned the story in the past two weeks, with charts and time clocks and all.

Kelly is back on her heals, and is forced to defend the coverage:

We’re now talking about whether Megyn Kelly is racist, not whether Holder is running DOJ in a discriminatory manner.

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Tags: Media Bias, race card