Unlike some, I have not devoted myself to studying the writings of Glenn Greenwald. Others have devoted the time, because Greenwald has such a large following at Salon.com.
I did, however, write about Greenwald’s absurd coverage of the Islamist-inspired, Turkish-led Gaza flotilla, particularly Greenwald’s offensive use of the term “Israel-Firsters” in connection the Turkish-led Gaza flotilla.
That term or the equivalent is a favorite of the old anti-Semitic right, the new anti-Semitic left, and people like Greenwald who are not anti-Semitic but who can’t help but dabble in the anti-Semitic verbiage of dual loyalty directed towards American Jewish supporters of Israel.
The irony is that the vast majority of Americans are “Israel-Firsters” using Greenwald’s definition. In fact, many American Christians are far more so than many American Jews, particularly American Jews reared in liberal orthodoxy.
So rather than belaboring Greenwald’s belabored existence, I suggest you read The Paper Greenwald at The New Ledger. Then read Greenwald’s response (one of many, I’m sure).
Then vomit, you’ll feel better.
Off-topic: Did you hear the one about how Max Blumenthal thinks it’s great that Palestinians send their young children to confront Israeli soldiers? How cool is that?
Added: It’s actually worse than that. One of the people in the video appears to be an Israeli leftist taunting the soldiers that he will see them in the international court of justice; the whole incident was a set up so that people like Blumenthal could write about how Israeli soldiers face off against children.
Update: Here is background on the Israeli leftist in the video, h/t Martin Solomon of Solomonia.
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The “Israel-Firsters” Slur Rears Its Ugly Head
Max Blumenthal Swings Big at IDF, Misses Bigger
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Some background on one of those leftists:
Please explain this term to me: "Israeli leftist." Is this someone who is Jewish who lives in Israel, or just anyone who lives in Israel – say, a "Palestinian" who lives in Israel? If Jewish, how can that person want the destruction of Israel? I suppose it is like those here who hate the USA…..but Israel is such a miracle country, blessed and free! My brain is so befuddled these days from all these self-hating, twisted-thinking, kool-aid-drinking leftists; I am having trouble wrapping my head around this insanity.
As I have said before, the left is loosing its hold on the political mainstream so it attacks with slurs and innuendos. They called the Tea Partiers racist and they are now using the old anti-semitic canard about Jews being disloyal to the US, being the "other", to try to keep the Jews from bucking Obama's anti-semitic policies, and abandoning the democratic party. Name calling is for bullies and it is the last resort of scoundrels. Those who have no true ability to argue facts, return to adolescent name-calling. Too bad so many of these indivudals seem to exist in the blogosphere and for some reason have a following. It truly is an indictement of our society that these lefty racists, anti-semities and bullies have so many who listen to them. It is sad really, and doesn't bode well I am afraid for the next generation.
As far as that propoganda video, Palestinian propoganda is not new and neither is the inclusion of the few Jews who have always had issue with the fact that they were allowed to be born of a Jewish womb. Ironically the left loves to point to the errant Jew who dislikes Israel, forgetting that 99% of the world's Jews are attached to the Jewish Community and Israel.You would think that Israel would have picked up on the PR war by now. It did get better with the flotilla incident, but a nation with more technology start ups than the US really should be a little more up to speed, don't you think?
Off topic, but i figure you would interested…
Obama is now saying that gee, maybe he isn't getting along with isreal because his middle name is Hussein.
Yes, really.
There are times when i refer to this guy as, pardon my language, President A–hole. because to be blunt, sometimes he is a real a–hole. i would spell it out, but i don't want your blog to be flagged for language.
I didn't want to puke after reading, "The Paper Greenwald". I wanted to give the author a high five. Thanks for linking to it.
Greenwald uses the term "neocon" or "neoconservative" SIXTEEN TIMES in that silly screed, LMAO.
Those poor starving oppressed Muslim kids look awfully chubby. Well dressed too.
We are at war with people who want to destroy our Judeo-Christian society. They just happen to be Muslims.
I haven't noticed any Christians, Jews, Hindus, etc.
I guess that only leaves one group and they are pretty blatant about it.
When are we just going to call a spade a spade and push them back in the hole where they came from?
No, instead we flood our towns and cities with them and their zillions of kids and relatives.
What you refer to as the "old anti-Semitic right" were in fact communists (Soviets) and socialists (Nazis). Please refrain from distorting history.
I've gotta say, boy can Greenwald type!
Poor Greenwald.
Every once in a great while, he writes a post that doesn't require the Progressive retardation to enjoy.
But, it's been such a long time since that's happened.
I am not a Jew; I am a reluctant Methodist – somewhat agnostic or a Jeffersonial deist. Anyway, I am proudly an Israeli-firster. I am a Zionist. I would proudly leave my job and family and go fight the muslim hoard on behalf of the tribe of freedom fighters. So goes Israel, so goes the western ethos of freedom; the unseemly alliance between the left and the Nazi loving arab street is very ugly. Long live Israel. Roll back the muslim totalitarian tide.
Greenwald? You mean Rick Ellensburg? Sprezzatura? If you don't recognize those names, that's what search engines are for.
Like Andrew Sullivan, he's one of those people that – well – I just don't understand why anybody cares what he thinks.
"The irony is that the vast majority of Americans are "Israel-Firsters" using Greenwald's definition. In fact, many American Christians are far more so than many American Jews, particularly American Jews reared in liberal orthodoxy."
… and many atheists as myself once I learned the actual history of the region. It's kinda obvious who the bad guys are in this but not so clear why one should be involved when one sees even the "good" side doing bad things. I think it becomes crystal clear that such is forgivable given the actual history and all the attempts by the Jews to be reasonable, and beyond reasonable. They just can't leave themselves open to murder by these insane Palestinians.