The Emperors Have No Doc Fix

Remember when “Medicare for All” (also known as “Single Payer”) was the banner under which Alan Grayson and his followers in the left-wing blogosphere marched?

Medicare for All would not have meant “Health Care for All” because the dirty little secret was that Medicare reimbursement rates were so low that doctors would not have taken on more Medicare patients.

ObamaCare made the situation worse, because despite spending over a trillion dollars, ObamaCare did not include the “Doc Fix” to prevent a further 21% cut in reimbursement rates. In the quest for a politically acceptable CBO score, the Democrats ignored the looming reimbursement cut.

Now that the Doc Fix is the subject of political wrangling, more and more physicians are turning away Medicare patients:

The number of doctors refusing new Medicare patients because of low government payment rates is setting a new high, just six months before millions of Baby Boomers begin enrolling in the government health care program.

Recent surveys by national and state medical societies have found more doctors limiting Medicare patients, partly because Congress has failed to stop an automatic 21% cut in payments that doctors already regard as too low. The cut went into effect Friday, even as the Senate approved a six-month reprieve. The House has approved a different bill.

ObamaCare is fundamentally flawed, and that flaw has been exposed for all to see.

Harry “Havoc” Reid and Max “Near Chaos” Baucus have no Doc Fix, and what we now can see is not very pretty.

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Tags: Harry Reid, Health Care