Saturday Night Card Game (What Don’t You Understand About “No Asians”?)

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:

A reader suggested this video as a follow-up to last week’s post about how the NAACP thought a Hallmark talking graduation card said “Black Ho” or “Black Whore” when it fact the electronic voice said “Black Hole” referring to that space thingy out of which nothing can escape.

The video concerns a person who phoned in a listing for a rental property, which the newspaper printed as “No Asians.”

As in the Hallmark case, what we had was a failure to communicate, don’t Jew agree?

We Interrupt This Post for Breaking News which could not wait until next Saturday night – via James Joyner“Racist” Finally, Irrevocably Jumps the Shark:

Related Posts:
Saturday Night Card Game
Saturday Night Card Game (Jew Hear The One About The Black Ho?)

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Tags: NAACP, race card, Saturday Night Card Game