Eliot Spitzer Pwns Glenn Greenwald

Glenn Greenwald is venomous in his attacks on Israel. Greenwald calls supporters of Israel, including Rep. Anthony Weiner, “Israel-firsters,” an obscene charge of disloyalty.

Anyone who disagrees with Greenwald on whether the flotilla actually had a humanitarian intent, or whether Israel had a right under international law to board the ships, is called a “propagandist.”

Fortunately, Eliot Spitzer (yes, him) completely pwned Greenwald on MSNBC, making Greenwald look like the one-sided, emotionally-disabled fool that he is when it comes to Israel. With more guests like Greenwald, Spitzer should have no problem mounting a comeback.

For reasons which can only be explained by pure ego and inability to look at himself as anything other than brilliant, Greenwald embedded the video in one of his blog posts. Here is how he described an international law expert:

[B]efore I was on, Spitzer had on an Israel-defending law professor, followed by Netanyahu’s former Chief of Staff, and both of them (along with Spitzer) were spewing pure Israeli propaganda in uninterrupted and unchallenged fashion.

Oh yeah, then Greenwald set everybody straight. Except he didn’t.

Here’s the video, first the International Law “propagandist,” then the Israeli “propagandist,” then Greenwald. You be the judge:

[Added: The MSNBC embeds sometimes redirect you to the Today Show. Here are the direct links in case you have this problem, the International Law expert, the former Israeli official, and Greenwald.]


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Update: It is fitting that a willing pawn in the generations-old war against Israel turns out to be the real propagandist. Here is a report on the situation yesterday from a Danish journalist in Gaza, Danish report from Gaza: “Where’s the humanitarian crisis?” (h/t CAMERA):

This time, I had expected to see real suffering, because with all the fuss in recent days about bringing tons of humanitarian relief in – so much that people actually sacrificed their lives for it – there certainly had to really be a deep, desperate situation in the Gaza Strip. No food. Long queues in front of UN food stocks. Hungry children with food bowls.

But this was not the picture that greeted me.

When I yesterday morning drove through Gaza City, I was immediately surprised that there are almost as many traffic jams as there always has been. Is there not a shortage of fuel? Apparently not. Gasoline is not even rationed….

I will not say whether, in better times has been a larger product range than there was yesterday. But there was certainly no shortage of vegetables, fruits or any other ordinary, basic foods. Tomatoes, cucumbers, corn, watermelons, potatoes – mountains of these items in the many stalls.

The Danish reporter recounts a conversation with a Gaza woman (with photo) who complained about shortages of food, as she was standing among stalls in the market filled with food:

And the first woman we interviewed in the market confirms this strange, contradictory, negative mindset:

“We have nothing,” she said. We need everything! Food, drinks … everything! “It disturbed her not at least that she stood between the mountains of vegetables, fruit, eggs, poultry and fish, while she spun this doomsday scenario.

There really is nothing new about this. The history of Paliwood and fauxtography (in which even the mainstream media is complicit) is well-rooted and highly developed, as is the constant exaggeration of Palestinian victimhood (remember the “several hundred” civilians killed in Jenin).

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The Difference Between Israel and Anti-Israelis
Useful Idiots Condemn Israel
Gaza Flotilla Organizer Puts Lie To “Humanitarian” Purpose

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Tags: Glenn Greenwald, Israel, Middle East, Nutroots, Turkey