Not Chutzpah, Cause and Effect

The NY Daily News headline reads: After beating up Wall Street ‘fat cats,’ President Obama ready to take their money in NY fund-raiser:

President Obama has been happy to beat up on Wall Street “fat cats,” but tonight he’ll be even happier to take their money.

The President is slated to headline a superswank, $50,000-per-couple fund-raiser for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee at Manhattan’s gilded St. Regis hotel on Fifth Ave.

The high-dollar affair will feature fine French food, a bevy of Wall Street titans and 23 Congress members – including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

JWF calls it chutzpah.

I call it entirely logical. The law of cause and effect. How much more willing were the Wall Street titans to donate after they had been beaten up?

Update: Hmmmm…. The NY Post claims it ain’t so, Wall Street bigs $kip O’s glitzy Apple gala. I tend to go with the Post on just about everything, because it has better headline writers.

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