“Little-Noticed” is the New “Unexpected”

Unexpected” has become the term of choice for the mainstream media to excuse the Obama administration’s economic failures.

Yesterday I read an article in The NY Times about something unexpected in Obamacare, and one term jumped out at me (emphasis mine):

About one-third of employers subject to major requirements of the new health care law may face tax penalties because they offer health insurance that could be considered unaffordable to some employees, a new study says…. It suggests that a little-noticed provision of the law could affect far more employers than Congress had assumed.

That term, “little-noticed,” sure sounded familiar. It seems that we hear that term a lot.

I didn’t intend on this post being so long, but the examples are so numerous:

If there was anything else that was little-noticed, let me know.

Of course, not all of these things were little-noticed to those of us who followed the health care legislation, but some were true after-the-fact revelations.

The big picture items — massive spending, phony CBO scoring, government intrusion further into our lives, and the likely destruction of the best health care system in the world — were well-noticed.

And those big picture items we will Remember in November.

Related Posts:
No One Could Have Seen This Coming
CBO Credibility The First Victim Of Obamacare
The Numbers Were A Lie All Along

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Tags: 2010 Election, Health Care