Wait For It – The “Killer Lobbyist” / Tea Party Connection

A deranged professor killed several fellow professors. The media and nutroots tried to blame the Tea Party movement even though there was no connection.

A census worker was killed under mysterious circumstances. The media and nutroots tried to blame the Tea Party movement even though there was no connection.

A disgruntled pseudo-marxist tax protester flew a kamikaze mission into an IRS building. The media and nutroots tried to blame the Tea Party movement even though there was no connection.

A cougar psycho-lobbyist (for a domestic violence organization, no less) killed her husband.

Wait for it.

Paul Krugman and Frank Rich are in a race to see who can make the connection first, so that TPM and LGF don’t beat them to it.

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Tags: Frank Rich, Media Bias, Nutroots, Tea Party