So Many Lies, So Little Time

The lies behind the Obamacare push resemble birds flocking together and fish swimming in schools. By throwing forward so many falsehoods as to the supposed benefits of Obamacare, it confuses attackers and makes it harder to isolate any one lie.

Firedoglake, which stands almost alone in exposing Obamacare from the left, has put together a very useful chart of all the lies (embed below). These lies are lies regardless of whether one approaches the monstrosity known as Obamacare from the principled left or the principled right.

The truth doesn’t come in left or right, and the truth is that there are so many lies behind Obamacare that we are on the verge of the single biggest mistake since we elected Obama in the first place.

Fire Dog Lake – Health Care Bill Myths

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Tags: Health Care, Jane Hamsher, Nutroots