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Leboon Obama-Love aka “Can You Imagine”

Leboon Obama-Love aka “Can You Imagine”

The anti-Zionist fringe nut who threatened to kill Eric Cantor was an Obama supporter and campaign contributor.

You know exactly what I mean when I say, “Can you imagine if Norman Leboon threatened to kill Obama and Leboon were a McCain or Tea Party contributor?”

We would never hear the end of it.

We will hear the end of Leboon’s Obama-love because Leboon’s craziness and threatened violence in no way reflected on Obama. You can’t choose your supporters. (And it does appear that Leboon fell out of love with Obama too.)

Wouldn’t it be nice if it worked that way when the politics were reversed.

Related Posts:
Count Frankula’s Blood Lust
Anti-Zionist Behind Cantor Death Threats
Saturday Night Card Game (Tea Parties Are Not Racist and Think Progress Is Not Homophobic)
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davemartin7777 | March 29, 2010 at 4:38 pm

I just knew it was just a mater of time before you would paint this guy as a democrat.

The guy is mentally disturbed, end of story.

But it's SOP as usual, you make up a hypothetical and then go on to treat is as true.

Btw, any thoughts about the RNC’s lavish spending habits or that right-wing Christian militia's plan for mass murder?

"President Obama, you and Vice President Biden and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and your Security Council say very bad things about me," he says "Your punishment is coming, the swine, it will be severe, and you will beg for mercy to your god. It will be severe, you will know god's swine, god has warned you."

– Norman Leboon, November 2009

davemartin7777 | March 29, 2010 at 6:34 pm

"President Obama, you and Vice President Biden and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and your Security Council say very bad things about me," he says "Your punishment is coming, the swine, it will be severe, and you will beg for mercy to your god. It will be severe, you will know god's swine, god has warned you."

– Norman Leboon, November 2009

That doesn't sound like a very loyal member of the Democratic party to me, what do you think Professor?

Professor, thank you for allow me posting privileges on your site, that is very big of you.

From my empirical experience, most right-wing blogs choose to be echo-chambers doing little more than preaching to their right-wing choir.

But you should know that as a blogger you, in my humble opinion, come off as a person who is blindly partisan without the slightest pretense of fairness no offense.

Do your really function like that in real life?

Do you punish students who don't share your right-wing mindset?

I thing being liberal or conservative is like being gay, just born that way.

davemartin7777 | March 29, 2010 at 8:20 pm

Sorry that should be "think."

Any chance you're going to offer any comments or right-wing insight on the right-wing Christian militia group that planned on committing mass murder?

I'll go out on a limb and guess not.

"…come off as a person who is blindly partisan without the slightest pretense of fairness no offense."

You mean, kind of like you do… "no offense?"

So, Mr. Martin, in short, he "comes off" more logical than you?

Generally speaking, when someone gives a clown like Obama money, it can fairly be stated that, first, that person is a supporter and second, that person is most likely like you.

In this case, this man gave Obama money. That Obama was an empty-suited liar who sucked in enough people to get elected and that he, having donated money to Obama's campaign and then, having wised up enough to grasp how badly he had been hosed; doesn't change the fact that he was an Obama supporter, and most likely voted for our favorite empty-suited, anti-American racist bigot.

Nor does it change the fact that there is a horrific double standard, or that had the roles been reversed, every newscast in the lamestream media would have led off with the political inclinations of the threatener, (i.e., "a McCain supporting-Republican today was arrested for threatening," say, "Speaker Nancy Pelosi over her health care advocacy," or words to that effect.)

"Echo chambers" are certainly not limited to one side of this equation, and that you would make such a comparison truly does out you, personally, as one of those "double-standarded" and "blindly partisan."

As always, and I'm not speaking for anyone but myself, if you don't like what or how things are written here, perhaps you would be more comfortable at Kos or Huffing ton?

Just sayin'.

What's really depressing is the fact that when Bush was Prez, literally thousands of cases of vocal and very visual examples of violence advocacy were on display from the left ("Kill Bush," "Bush is the disease, death is the cure"), and all manner of depictions of lynchings, decapitations and shootings ad ifinitim appeared, all without comment by Princess Nancy (Or Harry, or Barack).
And her district was expecially productive in its hatred.

And NOW she wants a joint resoultion of condemnation….

The Republicans should counteroffer and insist on including a condemnation of all the crap of the past 10 years from the looney left.

Our local left believes that an angry denunciation, a little name-calling, and claims that G-d will get you are the same as making a direct threat. A threat, btw, that will earn this Obama-supporting nutcase a prison term.

You fools went right on past disingenuous moral equivalency straight into fantasy-land of poor sophistry.

Put it this way, when the Obama-supporter is indicted for threatening anyone else other than Cantor, your faux disdain might have at least one leg to stand on. Until then–you are just leftists promoting another lie.