Why Is Paul Kirk Still Voting?

From Hotline On-Call (h/t):

Aides to Sens. Paul Kirk (D-MA) and Kay Hagan (D-NC) tell Hotline OnCall they will vote for Bernanke’s confirmation.

There is an elected and qualified successor to Paul Kirk. His name is Scott Brown. Martha Coakley has conceded the race, and there are not enough absentee ballots to change the five-point spread.

Brown reportedly will be sworn in next Monday or Tuesday, although other reports put it later.

As Brown said the night of the election, Kirk’s service is completed:

Interim Senator Paul Kirk has completed his work as a senator by appointment of the governor, and for the work he has done, I thank him. The people, by their votes, have now filled the office themselves, and I am ready to go to Washington without delay.

Paul Kirk should not be voting on anything, period.

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Tags: 2010 Election, Scott Brown