More Signs of Coakley Trouble

I previously posted that Martha Coakley’s campaign appeared to be overstating its financial strength by hyping its primary fundraising numbers, almost all of which was spent during the primary. Coakley has not released her post-primary fundraising numbers.

Coakley has been surprisingly quiet for someone who supposedly had tons of money. She has only recently rolled out television advertising, and in a smaller ad buy than she did during the primary.

Now news that Coakley, who has been criticized for taking vacation in the middle of the special election and creating a “diva” image, is heading to Washington, D.C. on Tuesday for a fundraiser:

The whole Massachusetts delegation, including Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and the state’s 10 Democratic House members, are headlining the Jan. 12 fundraiser at Sonoma Wine Bar on Capitol Hill, hosted by Kerry 2004 presidential campaign manager Mary Beth Cahill and deputy campaign manager Steve Elmendorf, lobbyists Heather and Tony Podesta and others.

Hosts are asked to raise $10,000, co-hosts $5,000 and guests are asked for a $1,000 check.

While Coakley likely will raise substantial dollars, taking yet another day off the campaign trail just a week before the election is another sign that Coakley may not have as much in the bank as she claims.

And note to Brown campaign, hammer Coakley for attending a fundraiser with lobbyists!

Another sign that Brown may be running strong is that pro-Brown outside groups have started running ads (below) on television in Massachusetts. As Red Mass Group reports, the fact that outside conservative groups are spending hundreds of thousand of dollars most likely is a reflection that their own polling at least confirms Rasmussen.

I’m not sure this type of politics-as-usual negative advertising actually helps Brown, but once the race went national, it was inevitable. Expect the Unions to run negative ads against Brown. [Added] Brown has criticized intervention in the campaign by outside forces, perhaps because he knows what is coming from the other side if polling this weekend confirms that the race is tight.

The fact that this is a dog-fight is not what Coakley expected. While she has run statewide, it was largely unopposed.

Coakley’s blundering has Democrats in dismay, and all signs point to a campaign which should be taking a walk in the park but is stuck in the mud.

Update: Perhaps the best sign is that the NY Times has started spinning really hard for Coakley. Nothing to see in Massachusetts, move along.

And this Tweet last night from Public Policy Polling indicates that things may get interesting:

Update No. 2: It’s On – Push Polling “Hate Group” Support for Brown

Related Posts:
Coakley $25 Tweet A Sign of Trouble
What’s Martha Afraid Of? Part 2
Scott Brown Has Won The Online Race / Update – AstroTweeting

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Tags: 2010 Election, Scott Brown