Keep It Up Mainstream Media, We Can’t Do It Without You

Chris Cillizza at The Fix blog at the The Washington Post writes the following in reaction to the Rasmussen poll of the Masschusetts Senate race:

Coakley’s fundraising abilities also ensures that she will be able to overwhelm Brown in the final weeks of the campaign as both candidates seek to drive their message home to voters. As of Nov. 18, Coakley had raised $4.2 million for the race and had $1.9 million in the bank; Brown, on the other hand, had raised just $460,000 and had $258,000 left to spend.

Coakley is expected to exploit her financial advantage by going on television this week, an ad campaign but almost certain to overwhelm the meager money that Brown is putting behind his own commercials with no help likely to come from the national GOP.

Makes sense, to someone who never read this blog and doesn’t know better. Keep it up mainstream media and mainstream bloggers, we can’t do it without you.

Update: An Open Letter to Jane Hamsher

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Tags: 2010 Election, Media Bias, Scott Brown