Michael Moore is calling for a boycott of Connecticut because of Joe Lieberman. Yes, the whole state is persona non grata because Independent Joe acted like Independent Joe:
“People of Connecticut: What have u done 2 this country? We hold u responsible. Start recall of Lieberman 2day or we’ll boycott your state.” (via Twitter)
This should work really well, just like all the other boycotts chronicled here:
Does this mean that when I drive from Rhode Island to New York City I am not allowed to use I-95?
Oh, wait a second, I’m not in favor of Obamacare, so I don’t have to boycott.
I think I like this idea, it will cut down on traffic. All the Obamacare-types can take the long way up to the Mass Pike, over to the NY State Thruway, then south to NYC. A mere 6 hour trip, while I’ll cruise through in under three hours.
This is a boycott I can support fully.
Update: Uh oh – Michael Moore Threatens to Eat Connecticut and Michael Moore Threatens to Boycott Every All-You-Can-Eat Buffet in Connecticut Unless They Recall Lieberman….
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