Someone is impersonating me using “Legal Insurrection” as a user name at Huffington Post.
The person has just started placing comments at HuffPo.
Any suggestions how I can track this person?
My readers help is appreciated on this. Post a comment or e-mail me directly.

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Can you contact the site admins?
Register there yourself and point this out where you see this person commenting.
OK, I see you've done that. Not quite sure what else can be done, other than maybve pointing this out to the admins.
This happens a lot on yahoo buzz. If someone is trying this hard to discredit you then you must be scoring points for your argument. Not many comment boards support PGP but it's pretty good for verifying your online identity through email as long as you keep your keys in a safe place.
Huffing with Arianna is a cesspool Hillbuzz is a truly centrist site and run by Democrats of the homosexual flavor. I'd ask you William to give them a little look see. I believe you'll be quite surprised as I indeed was.
Arianna's system administrator should have the log files and oddly enough, you could ask Andrew Breitbart about it.
You need to contact HuffPo and inform them that someone has stolen your identity they should know what to do.
They don't stand a chance against the "REAL" You!
This was a common tactic of Obots… in trying to paint PUMAs as "racist gun clingers" during 2008.
I see they have moved to impersonating Republicans now.
They are usually basement blogger punks who have no respect for anyone. And they will not let up.
Best you can do is go to Huffpo and call them out… so others know what is going on.
I think you should ask HuffPo to take the commenter down. If they don't, why not try leaning on them a bit, using the fact that you've copyrighted the content of your site from the beginning. If they sniff at that on the theory that you won't sue or would have no case, then use it as a cause celebre in the blogoshere; all your con friends will join the fray and you'll build up your traffic!