We Need More Such Democratic Victories

Last night was a great night for Democrats. At least if the only world you live in is the left-wing blogosphere.

Democrats won the 23rd District in upstate NY by 4 points in a race torn apart by a liberal Republican mistake named Dede Scozzafava, who took 6 percent of the vote after having dropped out a few days before the election. Democrats also took the 10th District in California, which is a liberal district which previously had a Democratic Congresswoman, but by a much smaller margin than the predecessor won.

That’s pretty much it for the Democrats. But it is great, great, great news to some because there is one (not two, as they suggest) additional Congressional vote for health care destruction legislation.

Outside of this little world, the Democrats got clobbered at the polls and on the health care issue. There may be a Democrat in upstate New York who will vote with the Democrats on health care issues, but don’t be so sure given the close race. And even if so, there are dozens of Democrats from red states who didn’t sleep last night, and several Democratic Senators who now will do anything to avoid having to vote on health care legislation, cap-and-trade, higher taxes, and a host of other Obama agenda items.

Virginia, a key swing state which Obama carried strongly in 2008, was a sweep for Republicans at all three statewide spots – Governor, Lt. Governor and Attorney General:

A social conservative who successfully ran on bread and butter pocketbook issues, McDonnell racked up huge victories in the key exurban counties of Loudoun and Prince William, which Gov. Tim Kaine carried in 2005 and President Obama won just a year ago. He also carried Fairfax County, which Obama won by 21 points.

The swing in the Governor’s race compared to the presidential election was 25% (Obama won by 7% in 2008, Republican Bob McDonnell won by 18% in 2009). While Obama backed away from the Democratic candidate in order to save face, that was only when it became clear that Republicans were going to win and that nothing Obama could do would change that reality.

New Jersey saw a Democratic incumbent in a very Democratic state, backed by repeat visits from Obama, go down to a 5% loss to a Republican, despite Obama carrying the state by 15% in 2008. Obama wanted this win so badly he had his campaign team take over the campaign for John Corzine. Obama was all in on this one, and the polls and pundits predicted a late surge by Corzine to edge out Chris Christie. Didn’t happen.

The results in the key states of Virginia and New Jersey were resounding defeats for Obama and Obamanomics and Obamacare and Obamamania and the “progressive” agenda.

I wish Republicans Hoffman had won NY-23. But I’ll take Virginia and New Jersey, because I live in the real world, not in fantasy land.

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Tags: Liberals, Nutroots, Obamamania, Obamanomics