Someone Is Lying About The Iran Negotiations

As we are led to believe that negotiations are underway to convince Iran to give up its uranium enrichment program, comes this disclosure by The Times of London that the International Atomic Energy Agency has been double-dealing:

United Nations and Iranian officials have been secretly negotiating a deal to persuade world powers to lift sanctions and allow Tehran to retain the bulk of its nuclear programme in return for co-operation with UN inspectors.

According to a draft document seen by The Times, the 13-point agreement was drawn up in September by Mohamed ElBaradei, the director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), in an effort to break the stalemate over Iran’s nuclear programme before he stands down at the end of this month.

The IAEA denied the existence of the document, which was leaked to The Times by one of the parties alarmed at the contents. Its disclosure was made as the agency warned that Iran could be hiding multiple secret nuclear sites.

What does the Obama administration know about these secret negotiations? The much-trumpeted agreement for Iran to have its uranium shipped abroad for reprocessing is in tatters. The Iranians denied there ever was a deal.

Someone is lying about the Iran negotiations. Time will tell who that someone is.

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