So What, Ma’am?

Barbara Boxer (D-Ca) is proclaiming she has enough votes in the Senate to block the equivalent of the Stupak Amendment from being attached to any Senate health care bill.

Ok, then what?

The only reason the House was able to pass a health care bill was that 64 Democrats voted in favor of the Stupak Amendment, and with that, the bill still only passed by 5 votes.

So how many House Democratic votes does Boxer have to pass legislation without the Stupak Amendment?

And how many Senate votes does Boxer have to cut off debate if there is no Stupak Amendment attached to the bill?

Boxer’s announcement is getting publicity, but it is a big “so what.” Or maybe I should say, “so what, Ma’am.”

UPDATE: Like I said, Ben Nelson: Need Stupak language in bill

Should I have said, “Thank you, Ma’am!“?

UPDATE No. 2: Like I said, Bart Stupak: ‘There Will Be Hell To Pay’ If My Amendment Is Removed

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Tags: Health Care