So, Mr. Krugman, Who Incited This Violence?

Paul Krugman has been a leader in the movement among NY Times columnists and left-wing bloggers to demean and isolate the conservative movement by claiming that harsh criticisms of Barack Obama’s policies not only are racist, but also incite right-wing violence.

In the aftermath of the shooting at the Holocaust Museum in June by an elderly racist nutcase acting alone, Krugman opined that there was no difference between mainstream conservatives and the “black helicopter” crowd:

Today, as in the early years of the Clinton administration but to an even greater extent, right-wing extremism is being systematically fed by the conservative media and political establishment….

And at this point, whatever dividing line there was between mainstream conservatism and the black-helicopter crowd seems to have been virtually erased….

What will the consequences be? Nobody knows, of course, although the analysts at Homeland Security fretted that things may turn out even worse than in the 1990s — that thanks, in part, to the election of an African-American president, “the threat posed by lone wolves and small terrorist cells is more pronounced than in past years.”

And that’s a threat to take seriously. Yes, the worst terrorist attack in our history was perpetrated by a foreign conspiracy. But the second worst, the Oklahoma City bombing, was perpetrated by an all-American lunatic. Politicians and media organizations wind up such people at their, and our, peril.

So I’m waiting for Krugman’s column about the Fort Hood shooting, to see how he will tie that mass murder to something right-wing. While the evidence is not conclusive yet, it appears that Krugman will have a hard time pinning it on “right-wing extremists” and “mainstream conservatives,” not that he won’t try.

I have a novel idea. How about we blame the shooter for the killing?

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Tags: Media Bias, Nutroots, NY Times, Paul Krugman