Eikenberry An Excuse For Obama’s Dawdling

Karl Eikenberry, who was in charge of training the Afghan Army from 2002-2003, and in charge of all U.S. military operations in Afghanistan from 2005-2007, now is Ambassador to Afghanistan. Eikenberry apparently is the dissenting voice on the Obama national security team which caused Obama to reject the military options presented by the team, all of which include an increase in troop strength.

If reports are accurate, Eikenberry feels that there needs to be additional assurances that the Afghan government is not corrupt and a specific timetable for handing over responsibility.

Of course, Obama and Eikenberry are being hailed in the left-wing blogopshere as supremely rational and thoughtful beings. The right-wing blogosphere (including me) and even much of the mainstream media are seeing Obama’s dawdling as a sign, 10 months into his term, that Obama doesn’t have a clue what to do and cannot make a hard decision.

Since Eikenberry is the new sage, it is worth revisiting some of his prior observations on the situation in Afghanistan:

Eikenberry has been instrumental in U.S. Afghanistan policy for almost 7 years. His input certainly should be valued, but not overstated. He has been right on some things (the need to clean up Afghan government corruption) and wrong on some things (the resilience of the Taliban). To the extent there have been failures, Eikenberry shares some blame (there’s plenty to go around).

Giving Eikenberry a seat at the table is one thing. Presumably in the last six months since his appointment as Ambassador he has had input.

But to invoke Eikenberry as some sort of guru who knows better than all others appears to me to be an excuse for Obama’s indecisiveness.

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Tags: Afghanistan, Obama Foreign Policy, Taliban