Dems to Tax Cosmetic Surgery

Harry Reid and his Democratic band of friends want to impose a 5% excise tax on all elective cosmetic surgeries (those which are not needed to repair deformaties or injuries caused by an accident or disfiguring disease). It’s all in Section 9017 of Harry Reid’s 2,074 page monstrosity released tonight:

There is hereby imposed on any cosmetic surgery and medical procedure a tax equal to 5 percent of the amount paid for such procedure (determined without regard to this section), whether paid by insurance or otherwise.

To where does the health care bill direct you for the definition of “cosmetic surgery”? To Section 213(d)(9)(B) of the IRS Code:

(B) Cosmetic surgery defined.— For purposes of this paragraph, the term “cosmetic surgery” means any procedure which is directed at improving the patient’s appearance and does not meaningfully promote the proper function of the body or prevent or treat illness or disease.

That’s 5% which falls mostly on women, who make up the bulk of cosmetic surgeries. Add 5% to every breast enlargement, nose job, face lift, tummy tuck, and liposuction.

Doesn’t matter if you are rich, middle class or poor. 5% no matter what. And your doctor has to collect it from you, or else the doctor is on the hook for it.

So much for Obama’s promise not to raise taxes on anyone making under $250,000.

And I’ve only had the bill for a few minutes.

Added: Prof. Reynolds asks “Does Nancy Pelosi know about this?” Like all sales taxes, this hurts the little people most, so I doubt she cares.

Update: Provision in Reid Health Care Bill Could Hurt Dems in California

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Tags: Health Care, Taxes