AP Whines About Fair Use, But Scans Palin Book

The Associated Press has been at the forefront of efforts to prevent bloggers and websites linking to, and quoting, traditional media content:

Taking a new hard line that news articles should not turn up on search engines and Web sites without permission, The Associated Press said Thursday that it would add software to each article that shows what limits apply to the rights to use it, and that notifies The A.P. about how the article is used.

So I was interested to learn from one of my readers that AP has scanned Sarah Palin’s new book, Going Rogue, in a clear move of copyright hypocrisy:

The organization, which has taken a very maximalist position on copyright, where fair use gets mostly ignored, apparently had no problem scanning Sarah Palin’s entire book into a computer so that reporters could search it…. Funny how the law seems oh so different when it limits what you can do, than when it’s about limiting what our competitors can do…

Funny, indeed.

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Tags: Blogging, Media Bias, Sarah Palin


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