Karl Marx famously wrote that “history always repeats itself, the first time as tragedy, and the second as farce.”
Barack Obama has reversed these historical forces. With Obama, farce repeats itself as history.
As a neophyte politician, Obama was elected to the Illinois State Senate when he managed to eliminate his opponents from the race through nominating petition challenges. A farce, but it started Obama’s political history.
Obama did little of note as an Illinois State Senator, but was elected United States Senator when Obama’s supporters dug up embarrassing divorce records on his opponent, while Obama publicly claimed he was against exposing the records. A farce, but Obama made history.
When elected to the U.S. Senate, Obama promised the voters he would serve out his term and not run for President. Two years later Obama began his campaign for President. A farce, but Obama made history.
The election of 2008. Thrills running up the mainstream media’s legs. Children singing songs about “Hope for Change.” The post-racial candidate who used the race card to take down the Clinton machine. A farce, but historically successful. The most historic campaign by the most historic candidate ever.
Now the Nobel Peace Prize for someone everyone knows does not deserve it, whether they are willing to admit it or not. Yet another in a long line of farces. But historic.
Do not forget, however, that there is a third prong in Marx’s equation – tragedy.
Runaway spending and deficits for decades to come, beyond anything imaginable just a couple of years ago. Restructuring one-fifth of our economy on terms designed to create wards of the state. Tax policies designed to punish the producers of society even though we need those producers to produce jobs. A foreign policy in which we bully our friends and mollify our enemies. An insatiable and pathological need to apologize for and put down our country, without ever demanding the same consideration from others.
We’ve seen Obama turn farce into history, over and over again. What worries me the most is that we are on a path where these farces will not repeat as history, but as our economic and political tragedy.
Update: Jules Crittenden calls this the “Obamist dialetic.” So now HE has his own historical and philosophical terminology. Figures.
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I am with ya on this….
The farce turned history is, already, a tragedy. And bound to become one of the worst Americans have experienced.
Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it…tragedy or farce-Does it matter what you call it when the results will be the same? We have been down this road before…
Great post, WAJ! Succinct and to the point.
Take her words for it:
Great post – depressing as heck, but spot on.
Another great post professor!
The Appease Prize is just pure manipulation and it will work on The narcissistic One. Our foreign policy is now being decided by Eurotrash.
Great post. Lots of good research.
Keep up the good work!
Linked you at the end of the FMJRA as a teaser for some upcoming farce.
Great post, as usual! I see our nation's greatness slipping away. It scares and saddens me no end.
Dead on, although it did kinda kill the laughter-buzz I had all day yesterday as a side effect of the announcement out of Oslo. *sigh* Back to reality.
Brilliant. Thanks.
About what you'd expect in a world that has lost its mind.
After wrestling with the idea of Obama's Nobel Prize, it occurred to me that this is how easily politicians are bought. A group of Norwegian legislators elected by the Norwegian people, decide to bestow upon a foreign leader a honor almost sacred in the free world. After admitting no understanding himself why they would decide to do so, Obama accepted the award "with geat humility" which I think he meant to use the word embarrassement (which I am sure Gibbs will clear up using one of the they meant this when they said that press conference moments).
In giving and accepting the prize, a meeting of the minds was reached, whereby acknowledging that Obama has yet to do something, they hope he does what they would like. In accepting, he has decided to take their advice.
I am willing to bet that in the future, any discussion about the direction of foreign affairs, especially regarding conflicts, there will be seeds of doubt as to the motive on the President's part. If you are a supporter, he just made defending him harder, if you are already an opponent, you will be more skeptical of his motives. More polarity injected by Norway to an already divided country.
He should have refused. The controversy would have ended. Better Norway be embarrassed than the rest of us have years of discord.
The main lesson for us little guys, is that politicians can be bought and right in front of your eyes.
What a terrible precedent – if we gave all awards based on this idea, look what else we would award:
Spot-on, Professor.
Quoted from and linked to at: O MARX THE SPOT
Is it too early to declare Obama the Worst President ever?
No it is not too early to declare Obama the Worst President ever…. but you should at least provide some other nominees:
1. Andrew Jackson
2. Richard Nixon – Tricky Dicky sure has some explaining to do.
3. Franklin D. Roosevelt – jury is still out. He was saved by a world war.
4. Jimmy Carter
5. George W. Bush – he was too gung ho in my opinion.
6. George H. Bush – I actually think he was the weaker of the two.
7. Barak Hussein Obama
and the winner is……………