Dems to Lieberman: “You Lie”

Harry Reid held a press conference Monday pushing an “opt out” public option knowing full well he did not have the Democratic votes to break a filibuster.

The left-wing blogosphere, which stopped listening to Reid’s press conference immediately after hearing the words “public option,” celebrated a tad too early. I’m not even sure what they were celebrating, since no one actually knew what was in the bill Reid was touting. But we long ago passed the point where supporting a bill required knowledge of what was in the bill.

The next day, Joe Lieberman expressed a view, shared by several Democratic Senators, that he felt a public option would be counter-productive, and would not vote for cloture (allowing a filibuster to succeed):

“We’re trying to do too much at once,” Lieberman said. “To put this government-created insurance company on top of everything else is just asking for trouble for the taxpayers, for the premium payers and for the national debt. I don’t think we need it now.”

Leading left-wing blogs, which just a day before had been declaring victory, have not exactly reacted with the type of civility they demanded of Republican Joe Wilson, when Wilson shouted “you lie” at President Obama:

Nice party you have there, Joe.

Meanwhile, in other Democratic civility news, President Barack Obama held a fundraiser for Alan Grayson, praising Grayson as an “outstanding member of Congress,” just days after it was disclosed that Grayson called an adviser to Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke a “whore.” Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner said of Grayson: “Is this news to you that this guy’s one fry short of a Happy Meal?”

Yeah, but that doesn’t mean Grayson can’t be “an outstanding Democratic member of Congress.”

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Harry Reid: “I Have Nothing to Announce, So Pay Attention”
Dems Stuck With Blog Hero Grayson
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Tags: Harry Reid, Health Care, Nutroots