Contact Olympia Snowe

You can find an e-mail submission form for Maine Senator Olympia Snowe by clicking here.

Snowe is the key vote on the Senate Finance Committee because she is the only Republican on the Committee who might vote in favor of the non-Bill markup language. If Snowe votes in favor, it will give political cover to moderate Democrats, both on the Committee and generally.

So please contact Senator Snowe. Be polite. Here is the message I submitted:

Dear Senator Snowe,

Please vote No on the Senate Finance Committee health care mark-up. There is no legislative language, and I feel it is wrong for a Senator to vote on mere concepts, not legislation, on such an important subject. Additionally, the CBO estimate makes clear that many of the financial assumptions are not realistic and may never be implemented, leading the seemingly deficit-neutral scoring to result in huge deficits.

Thank you for your consideration, and please vote No.

Just do it. It only takes a few minutes, and it could make a difference.

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Tags: Health Care