Concern Trolls Against Fox

Joe Klein is a concern troll. In purporting to criticize Obama’s attacks on Fox News, Klein devotes most of his latest post to attacking Fox News:

Let me be precise here: Fox News peddles a fair amount of hateful crap. Some of it borders on sedition. Much of it is flat out untrue.

But I don’t understand why the White House would give such poisonous helium balloons as Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity the opportunity for still greater spasms of self-inflation by declaring war on Fox.

Just in case you didn’t get his point, Klein repeats that “Fox News spreads seditious lies to its demographic sliver of an audience.”

Sedition? A year ago when it was Keith Olbermann, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Barack Obama calling George Bush names, it was called dissent, a/k/a the highest form of patriotism.

Somehow, I think Klein is working for Obama, or at least angling for a private sit down like Olbermann and Rachel Maddow.

UPDATE: JammieWearingFool is more succinct – Ferret-Faced Freak: Fox News is Seditious

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