The Congressional Budget Office has released its “scoring” of the House health care restructuring bill. The CBO is required to score bills the way they are drafted, even if the assumptions in the legislation are unrealistic or politically unlikely to be fully implemented. Accordingly, the CBO score is the best case scenario.
Here are the highlights (all time periods are through 2019, unless otherwise noted):
Now what this means. First, the cost saving assumptions built into the bill are unrealistic and unable to be sustained rendering this scoring meaningless as to future budget deficits. This is a financial shell game, but the drafters of the legislation, not the CBO, are to blame.
Second, the real costs is $1.055 trillion, not the $894 billion Democrats are touting. As explained by the NY Times analysis:
But a closer look at the budget office report suggests that the number everyone should have reported was $1.055 trillion – which is the gross cost of the insurance coverage provisions in the bill before taking account of certain new revenues, including penalties by individuals and employers who fail to meet new insurance requirements in the bill.
Third, there still will be 18 million uninsured, and of the 36 million newly insured people, 15 million will have been added to Medicaid. The CBO did not estimate how many of these newly insured people currently are eligible for federal programs but have not enrolled. The bill reflects a massive increase in Medicaid dependents, and only 21 million people gaining insurance through some other means.
Fourth, the public option will not provide lower cost coverage.
In sum, we create massive new federal bureaucracies and regulations, get IRS intrusion into health care, 15 million more people become Medicaid dependents, and we still have 18 million uninsured, and all this after spending over $1 trillion (best case scenario).
Assuming this best case scenario comes true based upon these unrealistic cost assumptions, we will have achieved very little relative to the costs. And we will have done severe damage to our health care system, something the CBO cannot score because it cannot be expressed in dollars.
Instead of getting something for nothing as promised by the politicians, we will get nothing for something.
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