Proving the “six degress of separation” thing, the left-wing blogosphere is having the type of hissy fit they usually attribute to the right-wing blogosphere. All because an NBC reporter, John Harwood, made this comment about the gay-rights protesters in Washington who are objecting to Barack Obama’s broken promises on gay rights (as recounted at AmericaBlog):
Barack Obama is doing well with 90% or more of Democrats so the White House views this opposition as really part of the Internet left fringe.
Which was followed by Harwood’s report of this comment by a White House adviser:
For a sign of how seriously the White House does or doesn’t take this opposition, one adviser told me those bloggers need to take off the pajamas, get dressed, and realize that governing a closely divided country is complicated and difficult.
Now I take great offense to complaints about bloggers in pajamas, particularly since I am in my pajamas writing this post. Some of my best thinking takes place whilst in pajamas. I was thinking of re-naming this blog Pajamas Media in recognition of reality, but a Google search revealed that someone already took the name. I wonder how much they want for it?
So I stand with the left-wing blogosphere on this one, even if Harwood and his unnamed White House source were correct on the merits of whether the left-wing blogosphere should be taken seriously.
Oh, one other thing. Weren’t these very same left-wing bloggers cheering yesterday when a White House spokeperson ripped into Fox News as “opinion journalism masquerading as news.”
First they came for Fox News, then they came for left-wing bloggers in pajamas ….
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UPDATE: John Harwood has offered a clarification to the Huffington Post (which itself is interesting, that a mainstream media reporter feels the need to clarify something to HuffPo). Harwood confirmed that he did speak to an Obama adviser, and that the White House has disdain for all left-wing bloggers, not just those left-wing bloggers who blog about gay rights issues:
“My comments quoting an Obama adviser about liberal bloggers/pajamas weren’t about the LGBT community or the marchers,” he wrote. “They referred more broadly to those grumbling on the left about an array of issues in addition to gay rights, including the war in Afghanistan and health care and Guantanamo — and
whether all that added up to trouble with Obama’s liberal base…”
This clarification should go a long way towards dispelling the notion that the Obama White House was insulting gay-rights bloggers; instead, the WH was insulting all left-wing bloggers on a wide variety of issues. Case closed.
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