Obama Next On Their List For Removal

At his Liberaland blog, Alan Colmes of the hated Fox Network asks:

Van Jones Resigns; Who Will They Go After Next?

Good question, but it depends on what the meaning of “they” is. According to Keith Olbermann and Gene Robinson, the next White House official to be targeted for removal is Barack Obama, and the “they” doing it will be progressive Democrats:

On Thursday night, MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann and Washington Post columnist Gene Robinson discussed the political ramifications for President Obama, including a possible primary challenge in 2012 presidential election, if the public option is dropped from the health care overhaul.

Olbermann asked Robinson, “What good does it profit a man to win a bill and lose the base of his party?” Robinson warned that Obama should tread carefully on health care reform and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan because “you don’t want to see the progressive caucus in a foul mood.”

Seriously, does the progressive caucus have any mood other than a foul mood? Who knew that defeating the public option would be all it would take to make Obama a one-term President?

Rasmussen estimates that the most likely tool to remove Obama will be a renewed Hillary Clinton campaign. That should be fun to watch.

According to Olbermann in the video, the progressive caucus would search for an alternative to Obama “no matter how destructive that might seem at face value.” You go Keith!

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Tags: Hillary Clinton, Liberals, Media Bias, MSNBC, Nutroots, Obama campaign