NY Times Needs To Hire Amateurs

The NY Times has been largely silent on the ACORN fiasco until today, with an article titled Conservatives Draw Blood From Acorn, Favored Foe. The Times befools itself with the following analysis of why no one previously was able to convince the Obama administration to sever ties to and funding of ACORN:

But it took amateur actors, posing as a prostitute and a pimp and recorded on hidden cameras in visits to Acorn offices, to send government officials scrambling in recent days to sever ties with the organization.

There was a time when the NY Times did investigative reporting. No more, unless there is an opportunity to embarrass former Bush administration officials or expose some element of our intelligence apparatus.

A couple of amateurs with a video camera did more to expose fraud and corruption in Obama’s base than the entire staff of the NY Times. And The Times doesn’t see the irony in criticising such people as “amateurs.”

UPDATE: More on the NY Times and ACORN from Don Surber and Hugh Hewitt.

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Tags: Media Bias, NY Times