Rush Was Right: Dems Call For “The Kennedy Memorial Health Bill”

How to react to Ted Kennedy’s death? There certainly is an initial inclination to react the way so many left-wing blogs reacted to the death of Robert Novak, such as this post at the prominent Crooks and Liars:

Novak will perhaps be best remembered — if at all — as one of the most compulsive professional liars to have wormed his way inside the Beltway, and that’s saying something.

No, will not go there. But I will take to task the people who are seeking to use Kennedy’s death to their political advantage, such as this call by Balloon Juice:

” it’s time to come back after Labor Day with a single coherent Senator Edward M. Kennedy Health Care Reform Bill, and to twist whatever arms, ears, or other parts are necessary to get a good strong comprehensive bill passed and signed, NOW. We owe the memory of a great man no less.”

This theme of naming a bill after Kennedy is sure to pick up steam, as Democrats are desperate to do anything to overcome public opposition on the merits. Witness this San Francisco Chronicle column today:

There would be no more fitting tribute to the passing of Ted Kennedy, than to pass a health-care reform bill by early fall.

Strange, when Rush Limbaugh used the phrase “Kennedy Memorial Health Bill,” [in predicting how Democrats would use Kennedy’s death] he was harshly criticized. But that was back in March, on the heels of the stimulus bill, when passage of a Democratic health care restructuring bill seemed like a certainty.

Now that passage of Democratic health care restructuring seems much less likely, I guess it is okay to invoke Kennedy’s name.

UPDATE: Another Wellstone memorial?

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Tags: Health Care, kennedy, Liberals, Nutroots