How Dare You

From a journalism student at the University of Oregon (via Instapundit):

When I began examining the political affiliation of faculty at the University of Oregon, the lone conservative professor I spoke with cautioned that I would “make a lot of people unhappy.”

Though I mostly brushed off his warning – assuming that academia would be interested in such discourse – I was careful to frame my research for a column for the school newspaper diplomatically.

The University of Oregon (UO), where I study journalism, invested millions annually in a diversity program that explicitly included “political affiliation” as a component. Yet, out of the 111 registered Oregon voters in the departments of journalism, law, political science, economics, and sociology, there were only two registered Republicans.

A number of conservative students told me they felt Republican ideas were frequently caricatured and rarely presented fairly….

What I didn’t realize is that journalism that examined the dominance of liberal ideas on campus would be addressed with hostility….

Read the whole article, including the verbal attacks on this student from two faculty members.

Let me suggest a related and more disconcerting problem. The lack of intellectual diversity among students, and the need felt by some liberal students to act as the thought police. These politically-correct cops on the beat spend their days looking for a conservative student or faculty member to ridicule. While these enforcers may view themselves as intellectuals, in fact they seek an anti-intellectual homogenization of the student body. And they are too narrow-minded to appreciate the destructive nature of their actions.

Tags: Conservatives, Law Professors, Liberals