Bloody Sunday In Honduras?

Reports are that ousted President Manuel Zelaya will return to Honduras Sunday, July 5, regardless of what Hondurans want. The Catholic Church in Honduras has asked Zelaya not to return to avoid bloodshed, and the military says that it intends on arresting him on court warrants if he returns. Per The Telegraph:

Amid rising fears of bloodshed, Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez read out a message on onduran television urging Mr Zelaya to stay away to avoid violence. “We think that a return to the country at the moment could provoke a bloodbath,” he said.

Mr Zelaya outlined his plans to the Telesur TV station based in Venezuela, where his close ally Hugo Chavez is president.

“I am planning my return to Honduras… we will arrive at the international airport in Tegucigalpa, Honduras with several presidents, (and) members of international organisations,” he said. “This Sunday we will be in Tegucigalpa.” ….

The Supreme Court has issued an arrest warrant for Mr Zelaya on charges of reason, abuse of office and corruption.

The Guardian adds:

Manuel Zelaya has been warned by the interim government that it will arrest him and put him on trial if he sets foot in the country. He has called on supporters to greet him at the capital’s airport, where he said he planned to arrive today in the company of a number of other Latin American leaders, reportedly including the president of Argentina, Cristina Kirchner.

UPDATE: It appears that Kirchner is not joining Zelaya, and it is not even clear if Zelaya will make an attempted return, per Fausta’s Blog: Honduras: will Zelaya show up?

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