Two Heartbeats Away

Two heartbeats away from President Barack Obama, in the line of succession, sits the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi.

Two heartbeats away from the Presidency sits someone who has alleged that the Central Intelligence Agency repeatedly misled Congress as to the interrogation of terrorist detainees, thereby accusing the CIA of a massive and possibly criminal scheme.

Two heartbeats away from the Presidency sits someone whose accusations have been denied by the Director of the CIA appointed by Obama.

Two heartbeats away from the Presidency sits someone who has control over the legislative appropriations process which can have a critical impact on the safety and security of the nation, including the intelligence agency budgets.

The public needs to know whether the person two heartbeats away from the Presidency is telling the truth about what she knew and when she knew it.

The person two heartbeats away from the Presidency immediately should provide law enforcement officials with the evidence she has, including testimony under oath, to back up her allegations of criminal conduct by the CIA, so that a criminal investigation can proceed if warranted.

If the person two heartbeats away from the Presidency is not willing to put her own criminal liability on the line in making these accusations against the CIA, she should resign.

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Tags: Nancy Pelosi, Terrorism