The Reaction To Dijongate

My two posts on the televised Obama/Biden burger joint visit and Obama’s request for Dijon mustard, MSNBC Hides Obama’s Dijon Mustard (aka Dijongate) and Thou Shall Not Mock Obama’s Mustard, generated enormous reaction.

Neither of these posts was about mustard as such, but rather, the absurd extent to which the Obama administration went to create a “real guy kind of quality” image of Obama/Biden eating “Hell Burgers,” and how MSNBC played along like a loyal worshipper through its coverage and editing.

Much of the first post and its updates were tongue-in-cheek to prove the point. It is beyond me how anyone could have thought I really cared that Obama used Dijon mustard in his Tuna Salad recipe, or that he had a Dijon mustard addiction. Did people really think I believed there was a “conspiracy of silence on Obama’s allegience to Dijon Mustard”? I have said before, and repeat, that the first victims of liberalism are satire and irony.

But there was a serious overall point, being the absurd image control and media fawning. Needless to say, the nutroots portrayed the posts as being a complaint about the type of mustard Obama used. A useful device of distortion straight from the Media Matters playbook.

Seeing how my posts were distorted was not terribly surprising; that is how things go on the internet. The level of vitriol was something I knew existed, but had never personally experienced. As crazed as the published comments were, there were others I didn’t publish telling me to kill myself and do other things, and plenty of bizarre e-mails. All of these people made fools of themselves.

The reaction proved one thing I already knew: The cult of personality surrounding Obama is real. And many of the cultists are demented, dangerous or both.

I also knew the mainstream media was biased, but the article written by The Canadian Press reporter Lee-Ann Goodman set a new low. Ms. Goodman e-mailed me that she agreed that the main issue was Obama’s image control, but her article went in the opposite direction. Another reason why people don’t trust reporters.

Through this episode, I also have learned the following:

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