You’ve Been Punked By Obama — The Detainee Episode

At a moment in time, David Brooks wrote that “Barack Obama is not who we thought he was” based on Obama’s über-liberal economic policies. It lasted about a day, and several phones calls from the White House, before Brooks backtracked and turned his column into a press release refuting his own prior post.

Others, including the normally cheerleading AP noted Obama’s backtracking on whether the economy was “fundamentally sound” (after having savaged John McCain for saying what Obama now says). And of course, there was the controversy over Obama’s reversal of the campaign promise to send troops into Pakistan without Pakistani consent.

Now comes “The Detainee Episode.” No, not Brooks again. He learned his lesson. Liberal bloggers and columnists who are wringing their hands dry over Obama’s continuation of George Bush’s policies with regard to enemy combatants (now “detainee who lent substantial support to al-Qaeda”) and other aspects of the war on terror (now “overseas contingency operation”) such as electronic eavesdropping. Such as these:

(h/t Instapundit for some of these links)

So Barack Obama is just another politician who said one thing to get elected, then preserved his power once in office. When it comes to detaining bad guys without access to court, he said he would close Gitmo, he didn’t say he would close Baghram. His words were just words, and you weren’t listening carefully enough.

You thought he said “no detainees without court review” but he really said “no ‘enemy combatant’ detainees without court review,” and now there are none (there are “substantial supporter-detainees,” but Obama never promised to let THEM go to court).

You’ve been punked again.

Related Post: Liberal Doughboys Afraid of Tea Parties

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Tags: NY Times, Obama Foreign Policy